In this section, you connect to your DCV Remote Desktop Session using a web browser client or native NICE DCV Client.
When you connect make sure you use the https protocol to ensure a secure connection.
aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Tags[?Key==`Name`]| [0].Value,InstanceType, PrivateIpAddress, PublicIpAddress, PublicDnsName]' --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=running --output table
Open your web browser and enter the NICE DCV server URL in the following format: https://PublicDNSname:port/#mysession
We will use the Public DNS name and connect over port 8443 as setup while creating the NICE DCV server instance.
##Remember to use your OWN PublicDNS name
Enter your user name and password that you setup for the NICE DCV Server instance and choose Login.
Open a Terminal and run a sample visual application dcvgltest from the NICE DCV package
Download and install the DCV Client
Use the Public IP address or Public DNS Name, and correct port (8443) to connect
You can obstain the Public IP address or Public DNS Name for the NICE DCV Server instance either from the EC2 Dashboard or using the aws cli command used above
Open the DCV Client and connect. In the below example, we connect using the Public IP address
You can run a DCV Test GL application, Go to Applications → Other → DCV GL Test Application
You should see this: