These steps are optional and if you have extra time. Please consider moving to Lab I.
Your AWS Cloud9 Environment should be ready. Now, you can become familiar with the environment, learn about the AWS CLI, and then create an Amazon S3 bucket with the AWS CLI. This S3 bucket is used in the next module.
The AWS Cloud9 IDE is similar to a traditional IDE you can find on virtually any system. It comprises the following components:
AWS Cloud9 also includes the latest version of AWS CLI, but it is always a good practice to verify you are using the latest version. You can verify the AWS CLI version by following the next section.
The AWS CLI allows you to manage services using the command line and control services through scripts. Many users choose to conduct some level of automation using the AWS CLI.
Use the copy button in each of the following code samples to quickly copy the command to your clipboard.
Open a Terminal window and paste the following command to install the AWS CLI . Pip updates the version, if necessary.
pip-3.6 install awscli -U --user
If a warning message appears prompting you to upgrade PIP, ignore it.
Use the following commands to display:
aws help
Type q to exit the help pages.
aws ec2 help
Type q to exit the help pages.
aws ec2 describe-instances
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs
Please complete Lab I before going through the optional steps.